Directed by Hannah Anderson
In 1945, Adele, with the energetic support of her family, joins the U.S. Marine Corps, as part of the large influx of women in the military. This short film tells her story. This series tells the story of World War Two from the veteran point of view. Subjects include the European front, Naval and Marine Corps battles in the pacific, evading and resisting capture, the shame of internment camps, the heroics of Nisei Soldiers and the role women played in the U.S. Marine Corps.
Up Next in Women in the Military: Season II - Pioneers
Black Woman & WWII: The 6888th Centra...
Directed by Gina Gelphman
In the midst of World War II, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, an all-female African-American unit, undertook the monumental task of sorting and delivering a massive backlog of mail for the U.S. military. Despite facing deplorable working conditions and th...
Alene Duerk: The First Woman Admiral
Directed by Eliciana Nascimento
This short films tells the story of Alene B. Duerk, the first woman to earn the rank of Admiral in the U.S. Navy. Admiral Duerk served in World War II and during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. After retiring, she went on to deliver meals to the elderly before passin...
Time for Change: Kathy Bruyere
Directed by Daniel Leonard Bernardi
A remarkable woman challenges two centuries of Navy tradition and discrimination, becoming a champion for equal opportunities to serve on-board ship and in combat...all while rising to the rank of Captain and becoming a source of strength to her family.